President's Blog – March 3, 2021

Sisters and Brothers,

I would like to update membership about the recent directive from ESDC- Labour Program.

ESDC Senior Investigator found that the following provisions of the Canada Labour Code Part II, have been contravened:

No./No :1

Paragraph 125(1)(c) Canada Labour Code part !!

Paragraph 15.8(1)(a) Canada Occupational Health E Safety Regulations

The employer has failed to submit Hazardous Occurrences Investigation Report(HOIRs) for employees who have been tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus starting on January 5, 2021, and who have thereby suffered disabling injuries by being prevented from reporting to work,

No./No : 2

Paragraph 125(1)(c) Canada Labour Code, Part 11

Paragraph 15.5(b) Canada occupational Health & Safety Regulations

The employer failed to notify the Ministry within 24 hours of the first time the employer became aware that two or more employees had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and had thereby suffered disabling injuries as a result of being prevented from reporting to work.

The local would like to thank to ESDC for this direction of breach of Labour Code by Canada Post Gateway Management.

The local will continue to reach out to the agencies to protect our members and will hold employer accountable for the breach of the code and or any violation of Public Health Directive.

If you are sick, please stay home and call public health for direction.

The Local is working hard to ensure that our members are as safe as possible while at work.

The Local is shocked at the dereliction of duty and irresponsibility of the corporation.

In Solidarity

Qaiser Maroof


CUPW, Toronto Local

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