General Membership Meeting On Sept 20/2022 at NOON by Virtual Platform

Sisters and Brothers, 


Due to the recent Covid-19 cases at our work places, Toronto Local decided to continue

Sept /2022 GMM on Virtual Platform. 

In order to participate the GMM,

-You must be a member in Good Standing from Toronto Local 

-You must register by sending email to [email protected] in advance. Registration deadline is before NOON Sept 19/2022 (Your registration must contain your Full Name and ID#)

After registering, you will receive all the documentations you need for this meeting and the link to join the meeting before the GMM. The Agenda for the GMM will be post at Union Boards as per the Local By-Laws. 

DISCLAIMER FOR VIRTUAL MEETING: Toronto Local is using Virtual Platform to continue doing the Union work. It is important that we continue to respect the privacy of every member including but not limited all the activists, Shop Stewards and Union officers. By participating in Virtual meeting, you agree the following,

- You must not save, record, share or post this meeting or any photos from this meeting without prior permission from Toronto Local.

- Toronto Local officer (Recording Secretary or any other officer or member that the Local assigned for this duty) will be the only authorized person to take the GMM minutes for the Local records and usage. The General Membership Meeting will be facilitate under the Toronto Local By-Laws and the National Constitution. All participants must treat each other with respect during the meeting.

- You give Toronto Local permission to use your email for the GMM purposes.

- Your first and last name must be on your device as your display name in order to access the meeting.

- The Toronto Local is not responsible for any technical challenges experienced that negatively affect your ability to participate fully in the meeting.

 - Please, email Brother Doug Warren @ [email protected] if you have any errors or omissions from the minutes before the start of the meeting.

 Attention: Chiefs and Shop Stewards 

Please share and Post all the Union Literatures and notices when you receive on the Union boards as per the By-Laws.


In Solidarity,

Abdi Hagi Yusuf


CUPW, Toronto Local

Date: Aug 27/2022

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