OCTOBER 17, 2023

7:00 P.M.





  1. Roll Call of Officers
  2. Acceptance of Members in Good Standing
  3. Reading and Adoption of Minutes
  4. Reading of Correspondence
  5. Bills and Accounts
  6. Reports of Officers and Committee
  7. Nominations for the position of E.S.S. Gateway East,WPDH and Kestrel. In order to be nominated for this position, you must be a member in good standing and nominated by a member in good standing and Attended 50% of the previous twelve (12) meetings.
  8. Notice of Motion -M/S Guglielmelli/Wallace – Article 7.2 (1) J – The Local shall pay to the ExecutiveMembers a mileage allowance of (.52) fifty-two cents per kilometer for the use of their own automobile in connection with Union Business.

     9. Unfinished Business

    10. New Business

    11. Adjournment


In Solidarity,


Abdi Hagi Yusuf,

Secretary- Treasurer,

CUPW Toronto Local


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