Sisters and Brothers:


We would like to thank our members for attending the Virtual General Membership meetings; we would also like to thank you for your time and patience. 


Please see below the “tentative” dates for the Toronto Local General Membership meetings, which you should mark on your calendar for 2022.


Attending General Membership meetings is very important for many reasons:


  • To be a delegate to attend any Conferences, Educationals, etc.
  • To run for a position on the Executive, which requires you attending 50% of meetings to run for a position
  • To be kept well-informed with the activities in your Union
  • Many more to list



TUESDAY – 7:00 P.M.          SATURDAY – 9:00 A.M.             TUESDAY – 12:00 NOON


JANUARY 18, 2022                FEBRUARY 19, 2022                   MARCH 15, 2022

APRIL 19, 2022                       MAY 21, 2022                               JUNE 21, 2022

JULY 19, 2022                         AUGUST 20, 2022                       SEPTEMBER 20, 2022

OCTOBER 18, 2022              NOVEMBER 19, 2022                  DECEMBER 20, 2022


The Local will notify you if there is any change of the dates/cancellation, as per the Toronto Local By-Laws.   Also, please note that all Executive Committee meetings will be at 9:00 a.m., the Friday prior the General Membership Meeting.


In Solidarity,




Abdi Hagi Yusuf,                                                                                


CUPW Toronto Local.                                                                         



December 21, 2022

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Honouring Black History Month


February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the incredible contributions of Black Canadians throughout history and today. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on the contributions and to honour our Toronto Local's First Black President Megan Whitfield who left us too early in 2020. Sister Megan shaped our collective history. She remains "Eternal in our Memories". In May, please visit our National CUPW website regarding information about: The Fifth Annual Megan Whitfield Bursary-Inspiring a New Generation of Activist.


Sisters, Brothers, Cousins

CPC management has been moving workers from WPDH to Gateway proper.  They claim that the Union was made aware.  THIS IS A LIE  The Union has NOT received any written notice or proposals including the Team Leader Talk Track which was distributed to our members without our knowledge or consent!  At no time has the Union agreed to this movement between WPDH Post Office and Gateway Post Office.

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