Sisters and Brothers,

As the final bulletin on the extension of the collective agreement, we remind the membership of how important it is to participate and vote. We have made it perfectly clear that the Toronto Local Executive Recommends a NO vote.

We strongly believe that it is time for our membership to stand up and have their voice be heard. Our position remains strong to defend our demands for “equal pay for equal work”

If you believe that we are entitled to:

Equal pay for equal work then vote NO

Letter Carriers, RSMC and MSC members should not be overburdened and injured by the workload then vote NO

No clawbacks to annual inspections of RSMC’s wages then vote NO.

Maintenance and TTU members should get market wage increases then vote NO

Our demands must be heard through negotiation then vote NO

A 2-year extension is delaying the process to negotiate then vote NO

Did you know that management gave themselves a 4-year collective agreement with a 10% wage increase? Postal workers have faced huge challenges with the COVID19 pandemic for last 17 months including the loss of lives and still we are the one who came to work to serve the public and keep the mail moving.

This is your opportunity to deal with the injustices and benefits to our collective agreement. Support our National negotiation process.

If we do not standup now, when will we?

Who’s got the power!? We’ve got the power! Vote NO

In Solidarity


Qaiser Maroof


CUPW Toronto Local

23 August 2021

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Honouring Black History Month


February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the incredible contributions of Black Canadians throughout history and today. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on the contributions and to honour our Toronto Local's First Black President Megan Whitfield who left us too early in 2020. Sister Megan shaped our collective history. She remains "Eternal in our Memories". In May, please visit our National CUPW website regarding information about: The Fifth Annual Megan Whitfield Bursary-Inspiring a New Generation of Activist.


Sisters, Brothers, Cousins

CPC management has been moving workers from WPDH to Gateway proper.  They claim that the Union was made aware.  THIS IS A LIE  The Union has NOT received any written notice or proposals including the Team Leader Talk Track which was distributed to our members without our knowledge or consent!  At no time has the Union agreed to this movement between WPDH Post Office and Gateway Post Office.

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