Sisters and Brothers:


We are asking that our newly hired members and Temporary workers register to vote at cupw.ca/en/member-contact-information-form or [email protected] so that they can vote on the extended collective agreement that has been voted on with a recommendation to vote yes by the National Executive Board.  THE TORONTO LOCAL EXECUTIVE RECOMMEND A NO VOTE.

It is important that you vote.  There is nothing in the MOA for temporary workers, the Local has put in demands for staffing as an example that if a part time or temporary workers are working 8 hours for an extended period of time that the Corporation would reclassify the job and create part time or full time positions.


We have demands in for the two tier pay system so that our new members and our temporary workers do not have to wait for 7 years to reach the top rate of the classifications.  This is so that we have equal pay for equal work.


The Local believes that if we go on to start negotiations we can achieve some of the language in the demands submitted by our members to protect our workers and create more jobs.  The demands meetings were healthy discussions on the issues facing workers in Toronto.


If the Membership does not vote it will be like voting yes, every vote counts!  If you as members want to protect the rights that you have, and achieve better rights under the contract we have to negotiate.  A two year extension is too long.

Register to vote today, the deadline in August 3rd, listen to the debate and let your voice be heard.

We are proud to stand with our new members and temporary workers as they are being ignored in the tentative agreement.


In Solidarity


Qaiser Maroof

Toronto Local President

CUPW 626

July 30, 2021

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