Sisters and Brothers.                                                                                


Toronto Local is very concerned about the recent COVID-19 Positive cases reported by management.

Our member’s health and safety is not negotiable. While at work you have the Right of Refusal under Art 33.13 of CUPW Collective Agreement.

33.13(a) An employee has the right to refuse to do particular work if he or she has reasonable grounds to believe that the performance of this work will endanger his or her health, safety or physical well-being, or may similarly endanger another employee.

 128 of Canada Labour Code. [Canada Labour Code, s.122,128, 129,146,147).

Refusal to work if danger

128 (1) Subject to this section, an employee may refuse to use or operate a machine or thing, to work in a place or to perform an activity, if the employee while at work has reasonable cause to believe that

(a) the use or operation of the machine or thing constitutes a danger to the employee or to another employee;

(b) a condition exists in the place that constitutes a danger to the employee; or

(c) the performance of the activity constitutes a danger to the employee or to another employee.

No reprisals [s.147] It is against the law for employers to dismiss, suspend, layoff or demote, impose a financial or other penalty, discipline or threaten any employee for performing their rights or duties under the Code.

If you believe that your health and safety or physical wellbeing is at risk, please inform your supervisor and union representative without delay and you are entitled to be present while the investigation is conducted.

Toronto Local is constantly in contact with Canada Post and the Government agencies to protect our members. Local is very frustrated by the bureaucratic barrier between the Agencies. End of the day we the workers are the one, who is suffering. .                                                                                April 26,2021

COVID-19 does not distinguish workplaces. Be safe and stay safe.

Struggle Continues.

In Solidarity


Qaiser Maroof


CUPW, Toronto Local,

April 26,2021                                              

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Honouring Black History Month


February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the incredible contributions of Black Canadians throughout history and today. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on the contributions and to honour our Toronto Local's First Black President Megan Whitfield who left us too early in 2020. Sister Megan shaped our collective history. She remains "Eternal in our Memories". In May, please visit our National CUPW website regarding information about: The Fifth Annual Megan Whitfield Bursary-Inspiring a New Generation of Activist.


Sisters, Brothers, Cousins

CPC management has been moving workers from WPDH to Gateway proper.  They claim that the Union was made aware.  THIS IS A LIE  The Union has NOT received any written notice or proposals including the Team Leader Talk Track which was distributed to our members without our knowledge or consent!  At no time has the Union agreed to this movement between WPDH Post Office and Gateway Post Office.

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