Sisters, Brothers, Cousins:

The Corporation is not negotiating in good faith with the National CUPW Negotiators.  In simple terms they have not agreed to any clauses in the Collective Agreement. We cannot sit back and avoid a strike if Canada Post does not continue to negotiate, not this time.  Every member has to come out to vote to protect all of our rights.

The Corporation wants flexibility in every work place with the percentage of part time work increasing drastically.  The ratio of part time positions would be increased and they would be assigned to any overtime that occurs in every section of Canada Post. Nobody would ever get overtime, it would be a thing of the past.

In the 90’s we went on strike for our temporary workers to get similar rates of pay to regular members, and to have seniority rights for hiring and job offers.  Keep in mind we had temp workers who worked for up to 16 years without pension or benefits.  Management only hired their favorite people and there was a lot of nepotism.  We also did the same for the RSMC’s when we organized them into the Union.  They worked for contractors with hardly any pay and absolutely no benefits, not WSIB or EI sick benefits, they were also fired without notice on a regular basis. If we can’t stand together and raise all workers up to our level, then we are not trade unionists.

What is at stake?

Two-Tier benefits for new hires, flex benefits so that they pay more for services, it would be at a much higher cost to members.  Our families would suffer! Also that retiree’s pay 100% of their benefits at retirement, as it is now we pay 35% of the cost about $115.00 for family, in future it would be over $345.00 a month.  It would be triple the amount.  That is a serious roll back that affects all members.  So nobody can sit back and say this won’t affect them. Two-Tier pension for new hires as well with a contributed pension plan not defined, which could weaken the pension for everyone in the future, and even worse when the money that you contributed runs out you have no more pension.

Route ownership to be taken out with letter carriers no longer working on a fixed delivery route.  Also flexibility so that if you finish your route early you will be assigned more work.  Getting rid of Appendix CC allowing management to make changes to route measurement and MSCWSS without Union involvement.  A new classification POL6 which is group 1 and includes clerks, LCA’s and day or night routers.

Getting rid of double time overtime after the 3rd hour of overtime, getting rid of marriage leave, along with less vacation for new hires and a deletion of the 7th week annual for everyone else. Deleting night recovery and pre-retirement for everyone.

Getting rid of the protection of Retail Counters and using more part time.

Getting rid of the 5 minute wash-up, and nothing to increase wages?

They do not want to give anything in this round, we have to stand up in Solidarity and fight.

I ask all the time if these are not good issues to support our National negotiators then what would be. Those who say they cannot afford to strike I will tell you that you cannot afford not to.  A no vote would mean you agree with the Corporations demands and we lose everything we fought for before this.  You save nothing because when you retire instead of 115.00 for family benefits you will pay 345.00 for the rest of your life.  Every single member loses something in their demands.


We are asking that you stand up in Solidarity and support our National negotiators with a strong YES vote, just like the other union members as an example TTC.  When management knows that the membership are behind the Union they see the power of the workers which enables us to get a fair collective agreement.


We had the best Public Service Canada had to offer our Postal Service.  It looks like management sat at home all during covid and did nothing to secure contracts and bring in more business.  Shame on them! CUPW members went to work every day and sorted and delivered mail to the public because they were unable to work.  We did that tirelessly, and without complaint.  Postal Workers were the real hero’s.


We changed the National constitution so that we get paid strike pay from day one, no more waiting for 5 days that will help members who join the picket lines.  It also includes lock outs.  You are expected to picket at least 4 hours a day 5 days per week.

We need a strong mandate for a strike vote, we cannot accept these outrageous roll backs when you mark your ballot vote YES!


In Solidarity


Jane Marsh                                                                        Abdi Hagi Yusuf

4th VP Organization Officer                                            Secretary Treasurer

 CUPW Toronto Local

September 13, 2024

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Sisters, Brothers, Cousins

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