No changes for our Picket Lines


**Update on our Picket Lines**

Postal Workers:
I want to reaffirm that there are no changes regarding the picket lines. We will steadfastly hold our ground, with management having no permission to enter—just as we have maintained throughout the strike. I take immense pride in every Postal Worker’s commitment on the picket lines, whether serving as a picket line trooper, a cook, a fire drum monitor, serving as a picket captain, driving for firewood, or working diligently at the Union Hall to manage strike payments and logistics, alongside our Toronto Local Executive. The dedication displayed has been extraordinary, creating a community of solidarity at each postal plant, Letter Carrier depot, and retail stores. Driving to picket lines and seeing all the extraordinary unique  shelters and cities that have been built all without a building permit in sight made be feel like a proud Mayor.
I am particularly proud that Toronto successfully kept management out, standing firm even when I was asked to communicate otherwise.
I commend every member for their sacrifices, especially those in elected positions who canceled vacations or made considerable sacrifices with their families, friends, and personal lives, often working 16-hour days, 7 days a week. 
It is essential for all of us to remember that we are accountable for our own actions, not those of others.
My respect runs deep for every Postal Worker who has participated in this strike; collectively we gave our 300% in various ways. The commitment exhibited by our Local has been truly inspiring, and I am proud to declare that Toronto remains the #1 Local and an integral part of our National Union.
Please remain vigilant for important updates from me. I expect one possibly tomorrow. Also, please check for updates on Sunday as the fight is still ongoing.
In Solidarity,  
Mark Lubinski  

Toronto Local CUPW

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