Happy Thai Pongal
Happy Thai Pongal to everyone celebrating!
Wishing you a Pongal that is filled with moments of joy, laughter, and togetherness.
In Solidarity
Mark Lubinski
Toronto Local CUPW.
In Solidarity
Abdi Hagi Yusuf,
Secretary – Treasurer,
CUPW Toronto Local,
Tel: 416 241 0189
AHW: w
Date: June 4, 2024 Date: June 15, 2024
Mover: Terry Theakston Seconder: Jennie Butler
Whereas the CUPW Toronto Local general membership meetings are crowded and difficult for many members to attend due to Geographical distance, traffics, Public transit and Parking;
Whereas the current local membership is very board in scope, making local executive representation stretched too thin, be it resolved the CUPW Toronto Local will divide its organizational structure into three locals, namely the GTA North Local, the Mississauga Local and Toronto Local.
Be it further resolved each new local will include all Postal installations and offices within the following boundaries:
And further, the National Director of CUPW Metro Toronto Region will assist with the establishment of new local executive committees as required by the National Constitution of CUPW, and according to administrative readiness.
Date: 15 June 2024
Mover: Adan Wehrmann Seconder: Sean Archibald
Whereas the Union has the slogan an injury to one is an injury to all.
Whereas the worker CUPW members of workplace Health and Safety Committees and Health and Safety represent undertake to create healthier and safer workplaces and hold the employer accountable.
Whereas an important Mechanism for fulfilling the above is the ability to submit complaints and information to Labor Canada.
Whereas the support structure within CUPW for health and safety Committee members and representatives is less developed than the structures for stewards.
Whereas the corporation will often not approve time to write to Labor Canada with regard to matters involving its conduct in the workplace.
Be it resolved that the Union Local Toronto 626 will accept and facilitate union booked off time requested by Members of Health and Safety Committees and Health and Safety representatives for the purpose of making submissions to Labor Canada in the pursuit of their duties.
Be it resolved that if the Union Local Toronto 626 declines any request they will provide the committee member of representative who put in the request a written explanation for declining the request to enable that committee Member of Representative to keep their constituency on the work floor informed.
Happy Thai Pongal to everyone celebrating!
Wishing you a Pongal that is filled with moments of joy, laughter, and togetherness.
In Solidarity
Mark Lubinski
Toronto Local CUPW.
As we enter the New Year, I’m grateful for the privilege of being the President of the Toronto Local. Together, we’ve made significant strides in advocating for our rights, and I believe our collective efforts will lead to positive changes, including a favourable collective agreement.
Sisters and Brothers,
On January 21st 2025, Toronto Local is scheduling the regular membership monthly meeting in person.